Never before have I had such a sense of momentum in my life...

In June, only a few days after completing my BSc (Hons) in Politics and Economics, I was on a train down to Norfolk to begin the next stage of my life... an unforgettable two week Permaculture Design Course, followed by a week long internship. The next day, I was back on a train up to Old Sleningford Farm in Yorkshire, to spend a week working on their self reliant smallholding with a super-abundant food forest! 

Next, was a two week long holiday to Tuscany, Italy with my family. Two hours after arriving back in England, and I am back on the road to York for a two day orientation; the beginning of my Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design. This is immediately followed with a two day conservation residential in the Peak District; beginning my three month placement with Community and Environmental Charity "Groundwork".

Just over a week later, and I am creating my website to document my progress.

I may include more detail about the last couple of months in later entries... but I feel there is too much to include right now! In summary, I am eternally grateful for everything that has happened. The synergistic nature of all these events, and the way that they have all tied together chronologically, has created such a momentum that I feel virtually unstoppable right now! Day by day I am becoming the change that I want to see in the world, feeling more and more empowered and realising my inner potential. 

To everybody that I have met in these last few months: thankyou! Each of you have played your own unique role, and collectively you have all been truly inspirational and I am so happy to have met you all. I look forward to nurturing these friendships as we move forward in our lives.

Love, light and unity,

Mags Dalton
8/28/2011 05:24:34 pm

Best of luck Pete xxx

4/30/2012 03:48:59 pm

Nice blog about the diploma holder and its story.Thanks a lot for the wonderful blog.


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