Lots has happened...
I've got a job! Had an assessment yesterday, and I have been offered a job with The Bushcraft Company! This is really exciting, as bushcraft is something I have been really interested in since I was about 11. The idea that I'm going to get paid to live out in the woods and teach my hobby is something I still haven't fully come to terms with!!
I taught on a Permaculture Design Course! I had a fantastic two weeks, and really came to appreciate how valuable these courses are. The students all left with their minds brimming with solutions to many of the worlds problems! Here is a write up of my lesson on Applying Permaculture to Business and Economics.
I started a blog style website (linked to above) that I hope will inspire people to really take Permaculture beyond the back garden, and make some real change in the world! It is still developing at the moment - but check it out and share on facebook/twitter/whatever if you would be so kind!
I have been offered a place on the Appleton Millenium Green Association, a community organisation that manages a large open green space in my area. This is part of my effort to get more involved in the local community, and is a step towards creating and Incredible Edible Appleton!
So things are going pretty well for me at the moment.
Checking in on my diploma progress, and I don't feel that I am "up to speed". However, when I look back to my goals articulations on my Diploma Pathway project, I guess that things are unfolding well in terms of meeting my objectives. I need to crank out more design work though. I'm still yet to draw an actual design for the garden - my fear and self doubt of my abilities is holding me back!
Times are good. Spring is here. It makes me feel alive.
The Universe is unfolding as it should :)